Marta García Carrión
Marta García Carrión has a PhD in History and she is full-time teacher in the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the University of València. Her research has focused on the cultural history of cinema in Spain and its relationships with nation and region identities in the first third of the 20th century. She has carried out post-doctoral research stays at Paris Sorbonne Université, Université Paris 8-Saint Denis and the Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome. She is the author of three monographic books and more than thirty papers in academic journals and collective books. Recently, her research has focused especially on the gender identities in the Spanish cinema. She has been principal investigator of the “Cine y género: cultura de masas y modelos de feminidad en la España del siglo XX” (GV2020/033) project, funded by Valencian Government.
Ferran Archilés Cardona
Ferran Archilés Cardona has a PhD in History (extraordinary degree and Phd award) and he is a full-time teacher in the Contemporary History area/field in the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the University of València. Presently, he is the Director of the Contemporary History master’s degree of the University of València. He carried out post-doctoral research stays at London School of Economics, Université Paris VIII_Saint Denis, École Normale Supèriere (Paris), Université Paris III- Sorbonne Nouvelle and the Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome (EEHAR). His research has focused on the processes of national construction and on the nationalisms, in Spain and Europe, paying special attention to regional identities, gender and imperialism analyse. His research has been written/shown in more than a hundred academic papers.
Xavier Andreu Miralles
Xavier Andreu Miralles holds a PhD in Contemporary History from the Universitat de València and is a professor at the same university. He has specialized in the study of the cultural history of Spanish nationalism in the 19th century. In particular, he has analyzed its transnational dimension, pointing out how the romantic imaginary about the Iberian Peninsula influenced the process of Spanish national construction in that century. He has also explored how this nineteenth-century Spanish nationalism was articulated from the different political cultures of the period and in relation to other collective identities such as gender. He is the author of El descubrimiento de España. Mito romántico e identidad nacional (Taurus, 2016) y de España o la hija de un jornalero. Ayguals de Izco y el primer republicanismo (Marcial Pons, 2021), as well as editor of Vivir la nación. Nuevos debates sobre el nacionalismo español (Comares, 2019) y de European Modernity and the Passionate South. Gender and Nation in Spain and Italy in the Long 19th Century (Brill, 2022), in the latter case together with Mónica Bolufer.(
Inmaculada Blasco Herranz
Inmaculada Blasco Herranz has a PhD in History at the University of Zaragoza (extraordinary Phd award) and she is full-time teacher in the Department of Contemporary History in the University of La Laguna. Her research has focused on the Spanish contemporary history analyse from women’s history and gender perspective. Among other issues, she has worked on catholic feminine mobilisation in Spain in the first third of the 20th century, the contemporary nation-state construction with the gender approach, the historic relation between gender and Catholicism, connections between feminism and Spanish nation and gender concepts in the beginning of the Spanish welfare state. Recently, she has worked on the gender concept for the historical analysis and she has analyzed women’s history and gender transformations in the two fists decades of the 21 century. (
Mónica Burguera
Mónica Burguera is full-time teacher in the Department of Contemporary History of UNED. She has a PhD in History and in Women’s studies at the Michigan University (Ann Arbor), United States. Her research has focused on women’s history and gender. In the last decades, she has paid special attention to the relation between history and literature. She is the author of the book Las Damas del liberalismo respetable. Los imaginarios sociales del feminismo liberal en España (1834-1850); and of some recent papers in academic journals such as: “‘¿Cuál será la poetisa más perfecta?’ La reinvención política de Carolina Coronado en la Galería de poetisas españolas contemporáneas (La Discusión, 1857)”, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 19.3 (2018): 297-317; or “Una vida en los extremos. Género y nación en Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda. Una perspectiva biográfica”, Xavier Andreu Miralles (Ed.): “Género y nación en la España contemporánea”, Ayer 116/2 (2017), pp. 105-132.
Gemma Torres Delgado
Gemma Torres Delgado holds a PhD in History and is a lecturer at the University of Barcelona. Her research activity focuses on postcolonial and gender studies, especially in relation to masculinity. She has been part of different research projects on gender and immigration, anti-colonial movements and gender and women’s history. She has published La virilitat d’Espanya a l’Àfrica. Nació i masculinitat al colonialisme al Marroc (1880–1927). València: Afers i Alfons el Magnànim (2020) con Toni Vives, El placer de la diferencia: Turismo, género y nación en la historia de España (Comares, Granada, 2021). She has recently published the following articles and book chapters: The role of Rifian virility in the shaping of Spanish masculinity during Spain’s colonial wars in the Rif (1900-1927): From admiration to colonial hierarchy” The Journal of North African Studies, num 1, 2021; Torres, Gemma. “Emociones viriles y la experiencia de la nación imperial en las guerras del rif (1909-1927)” Studia Historica, num 38, 2020, “La nación viril. Imágenes masculinas de España en el africanismo reaccionario después de la derrota de Annual (1921-1927)”, Ayer, 2017.
Javier Ramírez Riquelme
Javier Ramírez Riquelme has a degree in History from the Universitat de València (2017) and a Master in Contemporary History from the same university (2018). He is currently a Research Staff in Formation (FPU contract) in the Department of Modern and Contemporary History at the UV. His doctoral thesis deals with the study of the representations of the working class in Spanish cinema from the beginning of Franco’s dictatorship until the end of the twentieth century. During 2021 he has made a three-month research stay at the Università di Bologna. Some advances in the research have been reflected in papers presented at congresses and scientific meetings, including «Mujeres de clase obrera en el cine de los cuarenta: armonía, servicio y los peligros de la ciudad», which will be published soon.
Elena Solbes Borja
Elena Solbes Borja has a degree in History and has completed the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Contemporary History and the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education at the Universitat de València. Currently, she is a Research Staff in Formation (FPU contract) in the Department of Modern and Contemporary History and in the University Institute of Women’s Studies at the University of Valencia. Her doctoral thesis project is entitled “Cinema, gender and nation in Southern Europe: models of national femininity and mass culture in the interwar crisis”. She has done a research stay at the Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Mondes Ibériques Contemporains de la Sorbonne Université. (